Interview with Mozz Manzoor: Professional Salvia Guide

Mozz Mazoor
is the founder and entheogen guide at Sage
Divine Group, a company specializing in leading clients through guided Salvia
sessions since 2010. Mozz, however, has been
personally leading Salvia sessions with others for more than ten years
following his first personal experience with Salvia; a mind-altering plant
medicine capable of creating expansive and what would commonly be referred to
as ‘hallucinogenic’ or ‘psychedelic’ experiences. I began learning about Mozz’s work after he
became a good friend of mine and I decided to explore further into his life,
his work, and his vision. Ultimately
this exploration is what lead to the interview you are about to enjoy. Many questions were raised in my mind. What was his first personal experience like? What does a Salvia session feel like? What are the practical applications of guided
Salvia therapy? Read on to find the
answers to these questions and many more interesting gems and be prepared to
have your mind expanded.
(All excerpts are direct quotes
taken from the aforementioned interview between Laura Weber (author of Co-Creations)
and Mozz Manzoor on June 30th, 2013.
The interview was rather long and has been paraphrased to express the
Laura Mozz, as you know, I'm really excited about
the opportunity to sit down and pick your brain with an interview about who you
are and what you're doing.
Mozz I’m very excited as well. A warm hello to all of you taking the
time to read this
Laura Leading
up to the interview I did some homework to find out the story about you and
your company. Your company is called Sage divine Group and you've been in
business about 10 years. Can you tell me a little more about your company?
Mozz Well
the company has been in business for about 3 years. My personal experience with
Salvia, and that of guiding people through a psychedelic experience with Salvia
goes back over 10 years. I first tried
Salvia when I was 18. It changed my life. I was so moved by the experience that
I thought everyone should experience it as well.
first experience with Salvia:
forgot what I was. I felt like a child. And there came a brief moment where I
wasn't sure if I was. For a brief
moment, I didn't know that I existed… There
was no conscious recognition of a "self.” Then out of the nothingness, a
thought occurred."
“I realized that the thoughts were
Originating from something that was me. That
there even was something that was me; That I existed…I came back very harrowed
from the experience. I vowed never to do
it again, but over the course of the next few weeks something became very
apparent to me. I
was happier than I had ever been in a very long time… I decided that all of my
friends and anyone I cared about needed to experience this.”
From there Mozz explained how he began to map out the process of
creating safe and productive Salvia sessions which would eventually become
therapeutic healing sessions for his clients.
10 years later, his hard work and trial and error process is paying off
and what he can now offer is expertise. As
Mozz suspected as a young man of 18, his clients are regularly having safe,
reliable, and transformative experiences, tailored specifically to the
individual goals of each client under his guidance in therapeutic Salvia
sessions. Mozz has developed many happy
One of
his clients shared this simple but heartfelt thanks;
“Thank you for being a part
of my awakening. I am so grateful ”
Another grateful client ends
their statement by saying,
“It seems that one thing
that will last is my shift in perspective. In that I have
confidence to face myself – to let myself cry and embrace my humanhood- my best intentions that cannot fully
manifest themselves. That despite my hopes, they
will fail. But not to get caught up
in that – to just push forward and do what I do. To make the best of the whole situation. I have no idea
where I will go from here, but I am confident that it will be a better place, a more genuine place.”
let’s learn a little more about what a guided Salvia session with Mozz
Mozz What
Salvia is giving you is an opportunity to explore your inner mental world. And
that is something that must be respected. It should be treated with reverence
and humility. That is a feeling that is very hard to find if you are concerned
with how you are perceived by people around you. My sessions always start with
about 45 minutes to an hour's worth of calming breathing exercises and guided
meditations. From getting to know a
person and what they hope to achieve from a psychedelic experience, I can make
sure that their Intentions are aimed in that direction.
Mozz When
I feel a person is mindful of where they are in their space and time…I send
them off. After
years of figuring out how to put somebody in the optimal state to receive the
gifts of Salvia, I have developed these techniques.
Mozz After
a few minutes in that state the person comes back and we talk about what they
experienced. After I feel like they have
expressed everything that they feel they should…I send them off again. Each jump lasts for about 5-10 minutes. I usually send someone off 3 times in a
A Person becomes more and more acclimated with the experience
every single time and is able to take advantage of it in a broader sense.
Mozz has used the term inner space to
refer to where a client can go during a Salvia session, so I asked Mozz to
explain what the experience of one’s inner space is like.
“I feel that your
inner-space is whatever is hiding behind your ego…In essence (it is) a temporary denial of
your ego. As soon as you're born you
start forming a relationship with the world around you. You learn to transact
with the world around. As you get older the things you want get more and more
complex. You
start letting the world know certain things about your identity. You make
decisions about yourself…You want to let the world know who you are… That identity, that collection of
decisions, is what I defined as the ego…What Salvia does his cuts that off. The hope being that when you come back you’ll
have a better sense of what those decisions and those choices should be.”
Laura And
how can people integrate this new perspective with the "everyday
life" they return to after the session?
Mozz When
you feel your true self and the desires that lie within that, It's easier to go
forward in a more honest way so that you're giving
yourself the best opportunity to be happy.
Laura Would you say that this experience is ideal for those looking to go deeper and
access their truer desires through a psychedelic but who possibly are just inexperienced
or unsure?
Mozz I couldn't have said it better myself. People who are
feeling stuck. Who are in repeating patterns. Who need a jolt; To wake up the
wonder inside them People who are jaded.
(These are people who) could benefit from this.
(The topic inevitably drifted into the much debated and mysterious
topic regarding the use and application of other hallucinogenic plant
Laura What are the implications for this with other plant medicine? How
does this invite us, as a culture, to revisit how we look at these substances
which were viewed as medicines by our ancestors? Could these substances be vehicles for social
change? Looks like we'll have to
schedule a few more follow up interviews to cover them all.
Mozz I'd
love that
(So, now we have that to look forward to! J)
Laura And
with that said, Mozz, what do you want to leave us with? From 10 years of experience
as a Salvia guide, and indeed a pioneer in an exciting new field, what is the
vision of Sage Divine Group into the future and how do you see this practice
affecting the people who experience it?
Mozz Manzoor “For many of the Incarnations of malaise
that people suffer from in this modern society, the antidote isn't a methodical
roadmap of thoughts, but rather an emotionally moving experience to show you a
truth you can feel.
Laura Your
vision is coming at a perfect time and I see you and
this practice really
serving to build bridges where there were none before and allowing more people
than ever before to have transformational experiences of healing during this
time of change in the world. Thank you
for your work.
Mozz Thank
you. That is a very nice thing to say
Laura That was a beautiful conversation, thank you for being interviewed and I can't wait to
connect this information to the world.
Mozz Thank
you so much! I really, really enjoyed that.
Mozz brought helped me see a powerful and intriguing way plan medicine is being
used in a therapeutic healing modality. There’s
a lot to learn about the use of plant medicine like Salvia. Ultimately we can perhaps be inspired to
revisit our previously held definitions for hallucinogens, about what can be
defined as alternative health and medicine, and ultimately to perhaps force us
to consider the role of sacred plant substances in the healing and
consciousness shift of our time.
Make sure you check out my article: Which delves a little deeper in the idea of plant medicine being a part of the consciousness shift.
Importantly, Thank you so much for joining the
conversation and being a part of the shift.
I would love to hear your comments and dialogue. If you have any questions for Mozz, simply
leave a comment here or check out the links to Sage Divine Group’s Website and
Facebook page where you can find contact info and learn more about Safety, Legality,
and other facts about Mozz and his work with Salvia.